In My Feelings





In My Feelings



Name : Shu
Age : 18
Pronouns : Any (preferably she/they)
Sexuality : Panromantic demisexual
Gender : Gender-fluid (fem presenting)
Timezone : GMT+8
Interests : human sciences, gaming, literature, mythology, the supernatural
Hobbies : Gaming, writing, reading, sleeping, listening to music
Likes : monster energy drinks, chicken dishes, my pets, cold drinks, Childe <33
Dislikes : cucumbers, cockroaches, peas

In My Feelings



  • Ask to DM or FRQ

  • No pet names, flirting or NSFW unless close

  • Occasional tone tags

  • Do not ask for a specific alter to front


  • Disrespect me or any of my headmates

  • Disrespect my beliefs and craft

  • Are mean, rude and insensitive

  • Persistently talk to me despite me ignoring you

In My Feelings



I am Malaysian of Siamese and Jawa descent. I love learning new things! I love reading! Both are knowledgeable, and of any genre; my favourite is a fantasy romance, but I suppose I can consume other genres. I manage to spend most of my time reading, sleeping or listening to music. I used to write novels and poetry, however, due to my studies I have been putting those on hold. I do plan on picking those back up once I have the motivation to do so. I tend to get distracted a lot and do things that weren't on my to-do list (surprise, surprise I have AuDHD). I also have OSDD-1B.We as a system can and will function regularly to keep the body going regardless of what we may experience. We tend to share the same emotion, for example, every one of us will feel the same way towards a person, whether that may be romantic, platonic or familial. We all have the names that we are most comfortable with, regardless we do use one name as a collective which is our government name. We also share a lot of the same interests, but you may see the body acting differently from time to time (which means we switched from one to another).


I am a polytheist, omnist and a demonolater that was raised in a Sunni Muslim household. I don’t adhere to or follow any set religion, I have my own set of beliefs that is influenced by many of the other beliefs and religions I’ve learned about. I am a magical practitioner who focuses most on divination, and monetary work and is currently working towards death work. I work closely with the infernal divine and I love talking about them regardless of who they are.


spotifyShu <33